"Jménem rodiny sdílíme s hlubokým zármutkem zprávu o úmrtí Jeffa Becka. Poté, co náhle onemocněl bakteriální meningitidou, včera pokojně zemřel. Jeho rodina žádá o soukromí," uvádí.
On behalf of his family, it is with deep and profound sadness that we share the news of Jeff Beck’s passing. After suddenly contracting bacterial meningitis, he peacefully passed away yesterday. His family ask for privacy while they process this tremendous loss. pic.twitter.com/4dvt5aGzlv
— Jeff Beck (@jeffbeckmusic) January 11, 2023
Brit Jeff Beck označovaný za jednoho z nejlepší kytaristů všech dob, měl velmi pestrý žánrový rozsah od jazzu přes rock po elektronickou hudbu. Jeho skladby získaly několik cen Grammy. Od roku 1992 je v Rokenrolové síni slávy.
Zahrál si s řadou hvězd, na pódiích stál vedle Micka Jaggera, Tiny Turnerové, Stevieho Wondera, Rogera Waterse či ZZ Top.
Na jeho smrt už reagovalo mnoho světově proslulých hudebníků.
With the death of Jeff Beck we have lost a wonderful man and one of the greatest guitar players in the world. We will all miss him so much. pic.twitter.com/u8DYQrLNB7
— Mick Jagger (@MickJagger) January 11, 2023
We mourn the loss of Jeff Beck, a brilliant musician and friend. Our tours with Jeff were delights from both personal and sonic perspectives. We're thankful that we were privileged to share so many stages with him over the years and will truly miss his artistry and personality. pic.twitter.com/Dfum1hYG9R
— ZZ Top (@ZZTop) January 12, 2023
Experience Hendrix and the family of Jimi Hendrix are deeply saddened to learn of the sudden passing of our good friend, legendary guitarist Jeff Beck. Rest In Peace, Jeff your music plays on! Fly on sweet angel. #JeffBeck @jeffbeckmusic pic.twitter.com/2gcSdvmofH
— Jimi Hendrix (@JimiHendrix) January 12, 2023
Jeff Beck was a genius, a stunning original. He was an astounding guitar player with more ways to make you go, “WTF was that?” than anybody else. He was profoundly talented, and never stopped innovating on the instrument. R.I.P. Jeff.. https://t.co/stKn1RPWIN pic.twitter.com/59INhJ0LzK
— Joe Satriani (@chickenfootjoe) January 12, 2023
— Sir Rod Stewart (@rodstewart) January 11, 2023
Jeff Beck was on another planet . He took me and Ronnie Wood to the USA in the late 60s in his band the Jeff Beck Group
and we haven’t looked back since . pic.twitter.com/uS7bbWsHgW