Při nehodě vlaku v Nizozemsku zemřel člověk a další tři desítky lidí jsou zranění, mnoho z nich vážně. Vlak narazil do stavebního zařízení na trati ve městě Voorschoten nedaleko Haagu. 19 lidí bylo převezeno do nemocnice. Blízké hlavní nádraží Leiden, které leží mezi Haagem a Amsterdamem, bylo kvůli incidentu uzavřeno. K nehodě došlo ve tři hodiny ráno místního času.
#Holland, #railway #collision in #Voorschoten. One person was killed and around 30 were injured, some seriously, after a passenger train derailed in the western #Netherlands. #Emergency services say the overnight crash occurred after the train hit construction equipment. pic.twitter.com/65SXB2XZyP
— Donato Yaakov Secchi (@doyaksec) April 4, 2023
At least one person has died and 30 were injured when a high-speed passenger train slammed into heavy construction equipment and derailed near The Hague, Dutch emergency services say
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) April 4, 2023
Full story: https://t.co/nmxMMXilYF pic.twitter.com/TlbDonFOWD
At least one person was killed and 30 injured, many seriously, when a passenger train carrying about 50 people derailed in the Netherlands after hitting construction equipment on the track, Dutch emergency services said https://t.co/QeKgLuuKT2 pic.twitter.com/FwYt3nVJgP
— Reuters (@Reuters) April 4, 2023